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A Total Critique of Culture

Henry Flynt

Bibliography of Aesthetics

Plato, Republic

Aristotle, Poetica

Aristotle, Politics (for music)

Horace, Ars Poetica

Vitruvius, De Architectura (1st century B.C.)

Bharata, Natyashastra (orig. c. 500 AD; English, Calcutta, 1950); cf. Bharata Muni, Tandava Laksanam (Madras, 1936)

Abhinavagupta 1000 AD

Murasaki Shikibu, Genji monogatari (1004)

Henry Bowie, On the Laws of Japanese Painting

Muneshige Narazaki, Hokusai (Tokyo, 1968)

Zeami Motokiyo (1443)

L.B. Alberti, Della Pittura (1436); tr. On Painting (1956)

Leonardo, Treatise on Painting

Vasari, Lives of the Artists

Alexander Baumgarten, Reflections on Poetry (1735, introduces term "aesthetics"; tr. 1954)

J.J. Winckelmann, The History of Ancient Art (1764)

G.E. Lessing, Laocoön (1766/tr. 1962)

Immanuel Kant, Critique of Judgment (1790)

F. Schiller, On the Aesthetic Education of Man (tr. 1982)

Hegel, Vorlesungen über die Aesthetik [thesis that art is dead]

Hegel, Aesthetics (tr. 1975)

Hegel, Philosophy of Art

Hegel, Hegel's Introduction to Aesthetics (the intro. translated separately)

Hegel: On the Arts, tr. Henry Paolucci (1979)

F.W.J. Schelling, The Philosophy of Art (tr. 1989)

Matthew Arnold, Culture and Anarchy

John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice

John Ruskin, The Seven Lamps of Architecture (1849)

Walter Pater, The Renaissance

Leo Tolstoy, What Is Art (1898)

Henri Bergson, Creative Evolution (1907)

G.E. Moore, Principia Ethica

Bernard Bosanquet, Three Lectures on Aesthetic (1963)

Heinrich Wölfflin, Principles of Art History (orig. 1915)

Leon Trotsky, Literature and Revolution (translation 1960)

Georg Lukacs, "Reification" in History and Class Consciousness (tr. 1971)

Benedetto Croce, Aesthetic (1922)

E.H. Gombrich, Art and Illusion

Alois Riegel, Stilfragen (1923)

Clive Bell, Art (1914)

Clive Bell, Since Cézanne (orig. 1922), includes "Plus de Jazz."

Roger Fry, Vision and Design (1924)

John Dewey, Art as Experience (1934)

Kenneth Burke, Permanence and Change (1935)

A.J. Ayer, Language, Truth, and Logic (orig. 1936)

R.G. Collingwood, The Principles of Art (1938)

Cleanth Brooks, The Well-Wrought Urn (1947)

Bernard Berenson, Aesthetics and History in the Visual Arts (1948)

Susanne Langer, Philosophy in a New Key (1948)

Johan Huizinga, Homo Ludens (1949)

Rudolf Arnheim, Art and Visual Perception (1954)

Erwin Panofsky, Meaning in the Visual Arts (Anchor, 1955)

George Santayana, The Sense of Beauty (1955)

Herbert Read, The Meaning of Art (1951)

Herbert Read, The Philosophy of Modern Art (1953)

Erich Auerbach, Mimesis (1953)

Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism (1957)

Rudolf Otto, ed., Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism

T.W. Adorno, Aesthetic Theory (tr. 1983)

Ernst Fischer, The Necessity of Art (1963)

Herbert Marcuse, Eros and Civilization (1955), Ch. 9, "The Aesthetic Dimension"

Herbert Marcuse, Soviet Marxism (1958), pp. 129-135

Herbert Marcuse, "Art in the One-Dimensional Society," Arts Magazine, May 1967

Herbert Marcuse, The Aesthetic Dimension (1978)

Nelson Goodman, Languages of Art (1968)

Morris Weitz, Philosophy of the Arts (1964)

The Worlds of Art and the World, ed. Joseph Margolis (1984)

Contemporary Philosophy of Art, ed. J.W. Bender and H.G. Blocker (1993)

Jean Baudrillard, For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign (1981)

Hal Foster, The Anti-Aesthetic (1983)

Brian Wallis, Art After Modernism: Rethinking Representation (1984)

Hal Foster, Recodings (1985)

Terry Eagleton, The Ideology of the Aesthetic (Oxford, 1990), p. 358

John Passmore, Serious Art (1991)


Francis Haskell, Patrons and Painters (1963)

Artists and Patrons, ed. Chu-tsing Li (1989)

Richard H. Rush, Art as an Investment

Harold Rosenberg, "The Art Establishment," Esquire, January 1965

Calvin Tomkins, Merchants and Masterpieces (1970)


Jacques Scherer, Le `Livre' de Mallarmé (1957)

Michael Kirby, Futurist Performance (1971) for Luigi Russolo, "Enharmonic Notation for the Futurist Intona rumori" (March 1, 1914)

Arturo Schwarz, The Complete Works of Marcel Duchamp (2nd revised ed., New York, 1970)

Sophie Lissitzky-Küppers, El Lissitzky: Life, Letters, Texts (1968)

New York School: The First Generation [no author] (1971)

Yves Klein 1928-1962 A Retrospective (1982)

Donald Judd, "Black, White and Gray," Arts Magazine, March 1964, p. 36

Mary Lynn Kotz, Rauschenberg/Art and Life (New York, 1990)

Pierre Restany, "La XXXII Biennale di Venezia, Biennale della irregolarità," Domus 417, August 1964

Harold Rosenberg, The Tradition of the New (1961)

Clement Greenberg, Art and Culture (1961)

Harold Rosenberg, The Anxious Object (1964)

Harriet Janis and Rudi Blesh, Collage (1962)

Dick Higgins, Postface (1964)

Happenings, ed. Michael Kirby (1966)

Richard Kostelanetz, Theatre of Mixed Means (1968)

Minimal Art: A Critical Anthology, ed. Gregory Battcock (1968) [in this book, artists are still reacting to artists' gestures of displacement etc.]

p. 392 for Mallarmé blank paper

Udo Kulturmann, The New Sculpture (1968)

Jack Burnham, "Alice's Head: Reflections on Conceptual Art," Artforum, February 1970

Udo Kulturmann, Art and Life (1971)

Udo Kulturmann, New Realism (1972)

Udo Kulturmann, The New Painting (1977)

Adrian Henri, Total Art (1974)

Tom Wolfe, The Pump House Gang

Carla Gottlieb, Beyond Modern Art (1976)

Robert Hughes, The Shock of the New (1981)

Kenneth Baker, Minimalism (1988)

Robert Morgan, Conceptual Art: An American Perspective (1994)


Joseph Blotner, The Political Novel (1955)

Jeremy Murray-Brown, "False Cinema: Dziga Vertov and Early Soviet Film," The New Criterion, November 1989

Igor Golomstock, Totalitarian Art (1990)

Boris Grois, The Total Art of Stalinism (1992)


chimpanzee art

Julius Huxley, "Aping the Artist," The New York Times Magazine, Oct. 6, 1957, p. 94

"Chimpanzee's Daubs," Newsweek, November 10, 1958, p. 94

"Chimpanzee shows signs of picture-making ability," Science Digest, December 1958, p. 44


La Révolution surréaliste, Vols. 1-5, 1924-29 (reprint, Paris, 1975)

André Breton, Manifestos of Surrealism (Ann Arbor, 1969)

André Breton, What Is Surrealism?, ed. F. Rosemont (New York, 1978)

Antonin Artaud, Collected Works, Vol. 1 (London, 1968)

Antonin Artaud, Selected Writings, ed. Susan Sontag (1976)

Benjamin Péret, Death to the pigs, and other writings (1988)

J.-P. Sartre, "Black Orpheus," in What Is Literature? (tr. 1988)

Simone de Beauvoir, "Must We Burn Sade?" in The Marquis de Sade (Grove, 1953)

Lawrence Lipton, The Holy Barbarians (1959)

William Rubin, Dada, Surrealism, and Their Heritage (1968)

Manuel Grossman, Dada (1971)

Matthew Josephson, Life Among the Surrealists (1962)

Sarane Alexandrian, Surrealist Art (1969)

J.H. Matthews, The Imagery of Surrealism (1977), pp. 13-17

Udo Kulturmann, Body of Woman

Herbert Hendin, The Age of Sensation (New York, 1975)

Carl Rollyson, The Lives of Norman Mailer (1991)


avant-garde and anti-art?

Theories of Modern Art, ed. H.B. Chipp, (Berkeley, 1968)

The Dada Painters and Poets, ed. Robert Motherwell (1951) [first chance poem: Tzara, Manifesto on feeble love and bitter love [[section]]VIII]

Hans Richter, Dada: Art and Anti-Art (London, 1965)

Dadas on Art, ed. Lucy Lippard [Tristan Tzara, "Dada Manifesto 1918"]

Ilya Ehrenburg, People and Life (New York, 1962), p. 274 for Mayakovsky

S. O. Khan-Magomedov, Rodchenko: The Complete Work (1987)

Hugh Adams, "Alexander Rodchenko, the Simple and the Commonplace" Artforum, Summer 1979

both Cage and Rauschenberg 1952 Black Mountain said to be anti-art by Calvin Tomkins, The Bride and the Bachelors (1965), p. 205

John Cage, letter to Paul Henry Lang, dated May 22, 1956; first published in John Cage, ed. Richard Kostelanetz (1970)

John Cage, statement on Robert Rauschenberg, show of all-white paintings, at the Stable Gallery, 1953. in Emily Genauer's column in the New York Herald Tribune, December 27, 1953, p. 6 of Section 4

John Cage, "On Robert Rauschenberg, Artist, and His Work," Metro (Milan), May 1961, reprinted in Silence (1961)

John Cage, "Jasper Johns: Stories and Ideas" (orig. 1964), reprinted in The New Art

John E. Canaday, Embattled Critic (1962)

"Perhaps Drastic: A Proposal for a Moratorium on Art" p. 45

"Their Heart Belongs to Dada: The Cult of the Irrational (Black Tie)" p. 71

Time magazine, March 21, 1960, p.46 for "Anarchy with a Beat" [John Cage]

Time magazine, October 10, 1960, p. 59 for "Yesterday's Revolution" [John Cage at International Festival of Contemporary Music, Venice]

La Monte Young, "Lecture 1960" for Ant-Artica

Fred McDarrah, The Artist's World (1961; reprint 1988) for Chapter 18, Experiments with Junk

Robert Morris, "Anti-Art/Essays/Compositions," original title page for section in An Anthology (1963), not used

Robert Morris, "M.D. -- Rx" (1961) essay, never published

Robert Morris, letters to La Monte Young, Dec. 5, 1960; Sept. 8, 1960

George Brecht, letter to George Maciunas and Henry Flynt, April 18, 1963 in Staatsgalerie Stuttgart archive

Nam June Paik, "About the Exposition of the Music," décollage Nr. 3, 1963

Nam June Paik, "Postmusic. The Monthly Review of the University for Avant-garde Hindusim" (1963)

Nam June Paik, "Afterlude to the Exposition of Experimental Television 1963," in Fluxus cc fiVe ThReE, June 1964

Dick Higgins, Postface 1964

Dick Higgins, "Boredom and Danger" [dated 1966] in Dick Higgins, foew&omb whnw (1969)

George Brecht, "Something about FLUXUS," in Fluxus cc fiVe ThReE, June 1964

Thomas Hess, "A Tale of Two Cities," Location, Vol. 1, No. 2, Summer, 1964

John Cage, interview given to Lars Gunnar Bodin & Bengt Emil Johnson, published in Ord och Bild 74 (1965); taped in English, selections first published in Richard Kostelanetz, Conversing With Cage (New York, 1988).

Tulane Drama Review, Winter 1965 for Michael Kirby and Richard Schechner, "An Interview" with John Cage

John Cage page in Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, The Medium is the Massage (1967), p. 119

The New Art, ed. Gregory Battcock (New York, 1973) especially for

Allen Leepa, "Anti-Art and Criticism"

John Cage, "Jasper Johns: Stories and Ideas" (orig. 1964)

Situationist International Anthology, ed. Ken Knabb (Berkeley, 1981)

Richard Turner "Art and Anti-art" in Anti-clockwise no. 3

Suzi Gablik, Has Modernism Failed? (1984)

The Death of Art, ed. Berel Lang (1984)

John Zerzan, "The Case Against Art," Fifth Estate, Fall 1986

Barbara Rose, Autocritique: Essays on Art and Anti-Art 1963-1987 (1988)


J.W.N. Sullivan, Beethoven, his spiritual development (1927)

Heinrich Besseler, Die Musik des Mittelalters und der Renaissance (1931)

Heinrich Schenker, Readings in Schenker Analysis (tr. 1977)

Henry Cowell, New Musical Resources (orig. 1930)

Alfred Einstein, A Short History of Music (orig. 1937; 1953)

Paul Hindemith, The Craft of Musical Composition (orig. 1941)

Curt Sachs, The Rise of Music in the Ancient World (1943)

Curt Sachs, Our Musical Heritage (1955)

Curt Sachs, Rhythm and Tempo (1953) ML437.S121

Schoenberg, ed. Merle Armitage (New York, 1937), for Louis Danz, "Schoenberg the Inevitable"

Arnold Schoenberg, Style and Idea (1950; 1975)

Henry Pleasants, The Agony of Modern Music (1955)

Willi Reich, Schoenberg (1971)

T.W. Adorno, Philosophy of Modern Music (tr. 1973)

T.W. Adorno, Introduction to the Sociology of Music (tr. 1978)

"Four Musicians at Work," trans/formation Vol. 1, No. 3 (New York, 1952)

dates are translation

die Reihe 1, Electronic Music (1958)

die Reihe 2, Anton Webern (1959)

die Reihe 3, Musical Craftsmanship (1959)

die Reihe 4, Young Composers (1960)

die Reihe 5, Reports and Analyses (1961)

die Reihe 6, Speech and Music (1964)

die Reihe 7, Form-space (1965)

die Reihe 8,

K. Stockhausen, "Actualia," die Reihe No. 1

K. Stockhausen, " time passes..." die Reihe No. 3 (1959)

K. Stockhausen, "Music and Speech," die Reihe No. 6 (1964), p. 40

Wolf-Eberhard von Lewinski, "Young Composers," die Reihe 4

Dieter Schnebel, "Karlheinz Stockhausen," die Reihe 4

K. Stockhausen, Texte

Serge Garant, "Karlheinz Stockhausen the composer of the future"

Journal musical canadien V, 1959, No. 4

J.M.C. Musical Chronicle I, 1959, No. 3

"Talking (Whew!) to Karlheinz Stockhausen," Rolling Stone, May 14, 1970, pp. 32-35

Karlheinz Stockhausen, "Open Letter to the Young Generation," with "Introduction" by J. Marks: probably originally in Rolling Stone of 1968 (or 1969) [also Twenty-Minute Fandangos, ed. Jonathan Eisen (1971)]

Michael Parsons, "Karlheinz Stockhausen," New Left Review No. 25 (May-June 1964)

John Cage, "The East in the West," Modern Music, April 1946, pp. 111-115

Pierre Boulez and John Cage, The Boulez-Cage Correspondence (1993)

Milton Babbitt, "Who Cares If You Listen?" High Fidelity Magazine, February 1958

Morton Feldman, "Sound, Noise, Varese, Boulez," IT IS 2 (1958)

Morton Feldman, "Dr. Schuller's History Lesson," Kulchur 9 (1962)

Pierre Boulez, Orientations (1986)

David Revill, The Roaring Silence (1992)

Henry Cowell New Musical Resources (originally 1930)


Gilbert Seldes, The 7 Lively Arts (orig. 1924; 2nd ed. 1957)

Henry Edward Krehbiel, Afro-American Folksongs (1914)

Winthrop Sargeant, Jazz, Hot and Hybrid (1938)

André Hodeir, Jazz: Its Evolution and Essence

Rudi Blesh, Shining Trumpets (orig. 1946; second ed. 1958)

Marshall Sterns, The Story of Jazz (1956)

Whitney Balliett, The Sound of Surprise (1959)

Theodor W. Adorno, "On the Fetish-Character in Music and the Regression of Listening" [originally 1938], in The Essential Frankfurt School Reader, ed. A. Arato & Eike Gerhardt (1978), pp. 270

Theodor W. Adorno, "On Popular Music," pp. 17-48, Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, Vol. 9, No. 1 (New York, 1941)

also reviews: pp. 167-78:

Wilder Hobson, American Jazz Music

Winthrop Sargeant, Jazz Hot and Hybrid (1938)

Theodor W. Adorno, "Jazz," in Encyclopedia of the Arts, ed. D.D. Runes and H.G. Schrickel (New York, 1946), pp. 511-13

Theodor W. Adorno, "Perennial Fashion--Jazz," in Prisms (1981)

Theodor W. Adorno, "On Jazz," Discourse 12 (Fall/Winter 1989/1990), pp. 45-69

Samuel Charters, The Country Blues (1959)

Amiri Baraka, Blues People (1963)

A.B. Spellman, Four Lives in the Bebop Business (1966)

Tempo Winter 1968-69 [for editorial by Colin Mason, p. 1; Tim Souster, "Notes on Pop Music," pp. 2-6]

Frank Kofsky, Black Nationalism and the Revolution in Music (New York, 1970)

Robert Palmer, Deep Blues (1981)

Mark Gridley, Jazz Styles (1988)

Mark Gridley, Concise Guide to Jazz (1992)

David Rosenthal, Hard Bop (1992)

Black Studies, ed. Talmadge Anderson (1990), for:

R.A. Harris, "African Retentions in American Vocal and Choral Music"

E.S. Meadows, "African Retentions in Blues and Jazz"

S.A. Floyd, Jr., "Afro-American Music and Dance"

Alan P. Merriam, "African Music," in Continuity and Change in African Cultures, ed. by William Bascom and Melville Herskovits (Chicago, 1958)

Alan P. Merriam, "Characteristics of African Music" in International Folk Music Journal (1959) XI, p. 17

A.M. Jones, Studies in African Music, Vols. I, II (1959)

J.H.K. Nketia, African Music in Ghana (1963)

John Miller Chernoff, African Rhythm and African Sensibility (Chicago, 1979)

J.H.K. Nketia, The Music of Africa (1974)

Ashenafi Kebede, The Roots of Black Music (1982) [Ethiopia]

Musik in Afrika, ed. Artur Simon (Berlin, 1983)

Alan P. Merriam, "The Use of Music as a Technique of Reconstructing Culture History in Africa," in Reconstructing African Culture History, ed. C. Gabel and N.R. Bennett (1967) DT 19.R4

Kofi Agawu, "Representing African Music" Critical Inquiry, Winter 1992

Robert F. Thompson, "An Aesthetic of the Cool: West African Dance," in African Forum, Fall 1966, pp. 85-102

[ancient on Hindustani music: Narada, Sangita-Makaranda]

Pandit V.N. Bhatkhande, Hindusthani Sangit Paddhati (1934-7)

Walter Kaufmann, The Ragas of North India (1968)

Alain Danielou, Northern Indian Music, 2 volumes, London 1949-53

Alain Danielou, Northern Indian Music (1968)

N.A. Jairazbhoy, The Rags of North Indian Music (1971)

Dr. Sharada Gopalam, Facets of Notation in South Indian Music (Delhi, 1991)

Padma Subrahmanyam, "History, Technique, and a Notation for system in Dance," South Indian Studies, Vol. I, March 1978, Ch. 12