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Sentences Which Are Rigorously Unknowable But True

(c) 2004 Henry A. Flynt, Jr.


(*)                   Nobody holds (*) to be true.

If nobody holds (*) to be true, then (*) is true and nobody holds or "knows" it. If somebody tries to "know" or espouse (*), then this attempt to possess (*) as a truth compels its falsity. Indeed, there is a succession of phases in time consequent on the mental act of the one who jumps first.

Then everyone but the person who holds (*) to be true may know (*) to be false.

At face value, (*) is an immanent assertion of which everyone is deprived, if it is knowledge: because "embracing the proposition" falsifies it. As to who may jump first, that is symmetrical. The belief-dependency is not person-specific.


the scientific construction of ignorance