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Photos of Henry Flynt art works
(Black and white photos are the only ones currently available for some works in which color is a key feature.)
- 1993 show at Emily Harvey Gallery: installation south wall
- 1993 show at Emily Harvey Gallery: installation north wall
- Mirror-Fragmented Poem (1993)
- Grey Planes #2 (1993)
- Aleatoric Painting #2 (1993)
- Aleatoric Painting #2 (1993) displayed
- Needle Sandwich (1992) close-up
- Needle Sandwich (1992) overhead
- Two Honest Texts, dyptich (1992)
- Spirit World Painting #1 (1993)
- Spirit World Painting #2 (1993)
- Challenge to Conceptual Artists--seven plaques (1992)
- Counting Stands (1992)
- Interior Boundary Painting (1992) installed
- Ohmann (1994)
- The New Genius (1993)
- Spiral Translation (1993)
from Photos of Women (unfinished) (1989/1991)- image
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- Henry Flynt in installation, Logically Impossible Space, Venice Biennale (1990)
"Challenge to Conceptual Artists"article (1990)- page 1
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- page 4
- Challenge to Conceptual Artists, advertisement (1990)
- One True Sentence (1989, wallpaper), close-up
- One True Sentence (1989, wallpaper), installation
- 1989 show at Emily Harvey Gallery: installation, northeast corner
- The Seminar (1988)
- Grey Planes (1988)
- Aleatoric Painting (1988)
- Morning Vision 24 VII 88 (1988)
- Stroke Numeral (1987, black and white)
- Self-Validating Falsehood (1988)
- Stroke Numeral II (1989)
- Stroke Numeral II: the view (1989)
- Tritone Monochord (1987)
- Innperseqs Halo (1989)
- Light Flies (1987)
- Flynt Lever (1988)
- Shadow Painting cropped to shadow box (1988)
- Was Greek Mathematics Crazy? October 25, 1987, flier
- HESE Concert, the Kitchen, February 7, 1979 -- press release
- "From Culture to Veramusement" February 28, 1963 -- program
Concept Art text (1961/63)
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Anthology of Non-Philosophical Cultural Works (September 1961)
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- the Harvard concert, March 31, 1961 -- placard
- February 1961 announcement