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2The baleful influence of Marxism appears here. Marxism claimed to have a lock on the pragmatic knowledges such as economics and applied mathematics. For a period of time, I became passive on these questions. It turned out that Marxism's stand on these questions was a brutal Philistinism--when it was not an outright hoax. Messianic organizations have Philistinism and charlatanism as their natural orbit.
3It would be classified as game theory and computer science. For some reason, the results have not been collected into a treatise. All the interest has been in writing computer programs which edge out the human player--without attempting to realize the theoretically optimal strategy.
[4]die Reihe 6, p. 49, footnote.
5It is also the basis of the mandatory psychology--Freudianism--which locates all "humanness" in the realm of unreason.
6Clashing rhythms appeared in the serial piano pieces of the Fifties; but whatever the technique or trick used by pianists to perform the works, whether some grueling method of mensuration or some trick of approximation, it had nothing to do with the holistic perception of clashing rhythm achieved in Africa.
7Ned Rorem: "Nobody I know goes to serious music concerts any more."
8Apart from such cases as Turkish influence on Venetian architecture, or the Moorish survivals in Spain.
9Modern art's submissions in the field of tracery are op art, and the after-dark program. They are clunky and dead because they know only the mechanical principle of tiling; they don't aspire to the spiritual level, to the awakening of wonder.
10The fact that artists would make entire careers out of five-second practical jokes played at serious music concerts, and that the public would validate them, still dumbfounds me.
11Meaning is inclusive of, but not limited to, an expression's denotation.
12J.W.N. Sullivan; Brouwer.
13Carnap's side of the debate is in Meaning and Necessity.