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2Topics include radical or literal empiricism; radical unbelief; negative universal result; cognitive nihilism; principled hypocracy; gauging the level of credulity (also, credulity-gauging); evaluational processing of experience and the grading of experience; imputation of a context of objectivity (in immediate experience); comporting [oneself] to a context of objectivity; out-of-compartment experience; personalistic subjectivity; cognitive morale; The-World-(including-Ourselves); vertical contradiction. Most of these topics are mentioned in the 1980 texts listed in an appendix.
3Something like a new human self-image might have a role to play also. I take that up beginning in (section)G.
4One could not say the objective existence of objects, because space, time, other minds, energies, forces (?meanings, mathematical abstractions) are not objects. It would not be appropriate to use phenomenon as a generic term for objectivities, because phenomenon connotes apparition.
5More rigorously, the grading of experience. I will explain below.
6Here is where there is a profound role for personhood theory: to show that physico-mathematical science is erected even while it is belied by "configurations or junctures of humanness." There is overt incoherence, community-approved mental play-acting.
7I must coin this intransitive usage even if it is barbaric. Critique, opposition, challenge, confrontation, dialectic are inappropriate.
8For some pretentious and insincere extremism from the prophets of scientism, see Ayer's and Davies' disparagement of common sense; Tarski's disparagement of natural language; also, Popper's ridicule of historical cognition. The references are in an appendix. There is also the current academic canard that Derrida's deconstruction has abolished all truth.
9Brouwer or Wittgenstein or Yessenin-Volpin on "Platonic" logic and mathematics.
10It is not the task of this essay to present the negative universal result; but I reprint some heuristic remarks on its strategy in an appendix (with some remarks on vertical contradiction).
11The central proposition in applied arithmetic.
12Might a private experience give you a power to intervene in other people's "worlds" in irresistable ways? This alternative is too elusive to be important.
13Noam Chomsky proposed that common sense is an "innate" thought-structure like natural language. See especially his Reflections on Language (1975), pp. 43-6, 123, 154-7, 203. This speculation was not well-received.
14Cf. Morris Kline, Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times (1972); my aforementioned "Anti-Mathematics" (1980).
15Incongruities for what Husserl called, without explanation, "the whole."
16Another selection on this site, also published in Blueprint for a Higher Civilization, pp. 20-23.
17Correlative to the dichotomy, object-zone vs. personal subjectivity.--?
18"Imminent" seems better here than "immanent." Cf. "Personhood II."
19Or to Marx's standpoint in the 1844 Manuscripts.
20The point was made in Blueprint for a Higher Civilization, p. 23.
21Again, what emerges beneath Ayer's experiential language is the outlines of a realism in which the psyche photographs matter.