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Photos of Henry Flynt art works

(Black and white photos are the only ones currently available for some works in which color is a key feature.)

    1. 1993 show at Emily Harvey Gallery:  installation south wall
    2. 1993 show at Emily Harvey Gallery:  installation north wall
    3. Mirror-Fragmented Poem (1993)
    4. Grey Planes #2 (1993)
    5. Aleatoric Painting #2 (1993)
    6. Aleatoric Painting #2 (1993) displayed
    7. Needle Sandwich (1992) close-up
    8. Needle Sandwich (1992) overhead
    9. Two Honest Texts, dyptich (1992)
    10. Spirit World Painting #1 (1993)
    11. Spirit World Painting #2 (1993)
    12. Challenge to Conceptual Artists--seven plaques (1992)
    13. Counting Stands (1992)
    14. Interior Boundary Painting (1992) installed
    15. Ohmann (1994)
    16. The New Genius (1993)
    17. Spiral Translation (1993)

      from Photos of Women (unfinished) (1989/1991)
    18. image
    19. image
    20. image
    21. image
    22. image
    23. image
    24. image
    25. image
    26. image
    27. image

    28. Henry Flynt in installation, Logically Impossible Space, Venice Biennale (1990)

      "Challenge to Conceptual Artists"article (1990)
    29. page 1
    30. page 2-3
    31. page 4

    32. Challenge to Conceptual Artists, advertisement (1990)
    33. One True Sentence (1989, wallpaper), close-up
    34. One True Sentence (1989, wallpaper), installation
    35. 1989 show at Emily Harvey Gallery:  installation, northeast corner
    36. The Seminar (1988)
    37. Grey Planes (1988)
    38. Aleatoric Painting (1988)
    39. Morning Vision 24 VII 88 (1988)
    40. Stroke Numeral (1987, black and white)
    41. Self-Validating Falsehood (1988)
    42. Stroke Numeral II (1989)
    43. Stroke Numeral II:  the view (1989)
    44. Tritone Monochord (1987)
    45. Innperseqs Halo (1989)
    46. Light Flies (1987)
    47. Flynt Lever (1988)
    48. Shadow Painting cropped to shadow box (1988)
    49. Was Greek Mathematics Crazy?  October 25, 1987, flier
    50. HESE Concert, the Kitchen, February 7, 1979 -- press release
    51. "From Culture to Veramusement"  February 28, 1963 -- program

      Concept Art text (1961/63)
    52. page 1
    53. page 2
    54. page 3
    55. page 4

      Anthology of Non-Philosophical Cultural Works (September 1961)
    56. page 1
    57. page 2
    58. page 3
    59. page 4

    60. the Harvard concert, March 31, 1961 -- placard
    61. February 1961 announcement