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2The mangled diction is the authors'.
3The working scientist may sense that I am committing a violation
here, without being able to articulate what the violation is. But I know what
it is. Modern science rests on Francis Bacon's principle that one must
submit to science's best answer, no matter how deficient that answer may
be. That is why Darwinian Evolution is taught in secondary school as
science, for example. It is also why Quantum Field Theory was granted
acceptance. Bacon wanted to suppress the tradition of disputation in
philosophy, as he believed that it had prevented natural philosophy from
progressing. My own program embodies a situation which Bacon did not
anticipate. One zigzags between dissecting science, on the one hand, and
inventing post-scientific intellectual modalities, on the other. In the end,
the answers we need will have a new basis; and science will have been
superseded as a culture. Bacon would have thought that impossible.
4A. d'Abro, The Evolution of Scientific Thought (1950), p.
5Ibid., p. 215.
6This is a statement about the intellectual structure of physics,
not a profession of faith by me.
7What they had was Aristotle's "natural place" teleology, which by
today's standards is not credible.
8Boltzmann addressed this problem by adducing "certain fictitious
laws" to mechanics. See Ludwig Boltzmann, Theoretical Physics and
Philosophical Problems (translation 1974), p. 230.
9An implicit premise of homogeneity of space.
10d'Abro, op. cit., p. 454.
11J.S. Bell, Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics
(1987), pp. 170-171.
12Cosmology, History, and Theology, ed. Wolfgang Yourgrau and
Allen Breck (1977), pp. 99.
13"Accepting Scientific Ideas," The New York Times, April 28,
14Physical Review D, 42:1928.
15Physical Review D, 47:5345.
16Physical Review D, 42:1928.
17Ibid., p. 215.
18In Cosmology, History, and Theology, ed. Yourgrau and Breck
19At the N.Y.U. physics colloquium of November 18, 1993.
20Leibniz' particular version of rationalism was said to have been
overturned by the developments in QM which I listed. But that was posturing:
as I have noted repeatedly, classical physics is never erased.
21A. d'Abro, The Evolution of Scientific Thought (1950), p.
22The garbled exposition is d'Abro's.
23Cf. F. Dyson, Symmetry Groups in Nuclear and Particle
Physics (1966).
24Physical Review 47:777.
25Comments on Nuclear and Particle Physics 20:352.
26Physical Review D, 47:557.
1closed time-like curves